克丽斯蒂(CHRISTIES)公司1980年成立于意大利曼图亚, 经过多年的努力发展,今天的CHRISTIES是一个拥有30多年历史的拥有良好信誉的创新性内衣品牌。 从品牌设立之初就定位于吸引高端市场:多在精品店和品牌专卖店销售。 在意大利时尚之都 – 米兰设立了全球展示中心,并在意大利Milano, Bari, Genova, St. Margherita 和Varese设有品牌专卖店;在亚洲市场,CHRISTIES多年来只进驻了日本东京、大阪,并一直受到亚洲地区高端女性客户的青睐。 在欧洲国家,CHRISTIES内衣及服饰系列定位于高端市场,设计理念以性感、神秘和精致写意为特色,偏重于精品店和品牌专卖店销售;许多演艺和时尚界的明星也经常光顾克丽丝蒂品牌专卖店。

Born from a Modena entrepreneur’s wish, Christies made its debut in the corsetry marketplace in 1980, positioning itself in the high-end market bracket through stores and boutique selling premium products.

CHRISTIES倾注于对新材料,型体和款式的研究,采用最先进的技术,并始终保持关注客户不断变化的需求。CHRISTIES完美的产品设计理念,加上应用于各类款式设计中的时尚元素,以及对奢华创新面料(只采用意大利的面料、法国的蕾丝和瑞士的配饰) 的选择,用精致的手工最终确定了品牌的优势。着重于工艺和细节是CHRISTIES成功的关键,同时也受到高品质顾客的一致赞同。CHRISTIES将会让关注和追随时尚潮流,追求品质生活的都市女性惊喜不断。

he care for style, the choice of precious materials and the attention for details have won the company prestige, allowing it to be immediately cherished by a knowing international clientele. The product diversification over the years underscores the desire to meet the needs of a vast clientele: not only lingerie, but also beachwear and clothing collections capable of meeting different needs and market niches.


A manufacturing business well-rooted in a little town in Northern Italy – that has been present in the international arena for almost half century – made up of men and women who believe in what the do: a big family cooperating to make a dream come true, where femininity rhymes with sensuality, where diversity implies uniqueness and exclusivity.


Christies S.R.L.

Via Cortesa, 12/a – 46026 QUISTELLO – MANTOVA (ITALY)
Tel. +39 0376 618905
Sms & whatsapp +39 370 3321467

Yinhe Hub S.r.l.

Piazzale Francesco Accursio, 14, 20156 Milano
T : +39 02 33004076
F : +39 02 39200395
E : info@yhhub.it